""" Class representation of template matching data.
Copyright (c) 2023 European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Author: Valentin Maurer <valentin.maurer@embl-hamburg.de>
import warnings
from typing import Tuple, List, Optional
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from . import Density
from .types import ArrayLike
from .preprocessing import Compose
from .backends import backend as be
from .matching_utils import compute_full_convolution_index
class MatchingData:
Contains data required for template matching.
target : np.ndarray or :py:class:`tme.density.Density`
Target data.
template : np.ndarray or :py:class:`tme.density.Density`
Template data.
target_mask : np.ndarray or :py:class:`tme.density.Density`, optional
Target mask data.
template_mask : np.ndarray or :py:class:`tme.density.Density`, optional
Template mask data.
invert_target : bool, optional
Whether to invert the target before template matching..
rotations: np.ndarray, optional
Template rotations to sample. Can be a single (d, d) or a stack (n, d, d)
of rotation matrices where d is the dimension of the template.
The following achieves the minimal definition of a :py:class:`MatchingData` instance.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tme.matching_data import MatchingData
>>> target = np.random.rand(50,40,60)
>>> template = target[15:25, 10:20, 30:40]
>>> matching_data = MatchingData(target=target, template=template)
def __init__(
target: NDArray,
template: NDArray,
template_mask: NDArray = None,
target_mask: NDArray = None,
invert_target: bool = False,
rotations: NDArray = None,
self.target = target
self.target_mask = target_mask
self.template = template
if template_mask is not None:
self.template_mask = template_mask
self.rotations = rotations
self._translation_offset = np.zeros(len(target.shape), dtype=int)
self._invert_target = invert_target
def _shape_to_slice(shape: Tuple[int]):
return tuple(slice(0, dim) for dim in shape)
def _slice_to_mesh(cls, slice_variable: (slice,), shape: (int,)):
if slice_variable is None:
slice_variable = cls._shape_to_slice(shape)
ranges = [range(slc.start, slc.stop) for slc in slice_variable]
indices = np.meshgrid(*ranges, sparse=True, indexing="ij")
return indices
def _load_array(arr: NDArray):
Load ``arr``, If ``arr`` type is memmap, reload from disk.
arr : NDArray
Array to load.
Loaded array.
if isinstance(arr, np.memmap):
return np.memmap(arr.filename, mode="r", shape=arr.shape, dtype=arr.dtype)
return arr
def subset_array(
arr: NDArray,
arr_slice: Tuple[slice],
padding: NDArray,
invert: bool = False,
) -> NDArray:
Extract a subset of the input array according to the given slice and
apply padding.
arr : NDArray
The input array from which a subset is extracted.
arr_slice : tuple of slice
Defines the region of the input array to be extracted.
padding : NDArray
Padding values for each dimension. If the padding exceeds the array
dimensions, the extra regions are filled with the mean of the array
values, otherwise, the values in ``arr`` are used.
invert : bool, optional
Whether the returned array should be inverted and normalized to the interval
[0, 1]. If available, uses the metadata information of the Density object,
otherwise computes min and max on the extracted subset.
Subset of the input array with padding applied.
padding = be.to_numpy_array(padding)
padding = np.maximum(padding, 0).astype(int)
slice_start = np.array([x.start for x in arr_slice], dtype=int)
slice_stop = np.array([x.stop for x in arr_slice], dtype=int)
padding = np.add(padding, np.mod(padding, 2))
left_pad = right_pad = np.divide(padding, 2).astype(int)
data_voxels_left = np.minimum(slice_start, left_pad)
data_voxels_right = np.minimum(
np.subtract(arr.shape, slice_stop), right_pad
arr_start = np.subtract(slice_start, data_voxels_left)
arr_stop = np.add(slice_stop, data_voxels_right)
arr_slice = tuple(slice(*pos) for pos in zip(arr_start, arr_stop))
arr_mesh = self._slice_to_mesh(arr_slice, arr.shape)
if isinstance(arr, Density):
if isinstance(arr.data, np.memmap):
arr = Density.from_file(arr.data.filename, subset=arr_slice).data
arr = np.asarray(arr.data[*arr_mesh])
if isinstance(arr, np.memmap):
arr = np.memmap(
arr.filename, mode="r", shape=arr.shape, dtype=arr.dtype
arr = np.asarray(arr[*arr_mesh])
padding = tuple(
(left, right)
for left, right in zip(
np.subtract(left_pad, data_voxels_left),
np.subtract(right_pad, data_voxels_right),
# The reflections are later cropped from the scores
arr = np.pad(arr, padding, mode="reflect")
if invert:
arr = -arr
return arr
def subset_by_slice(
target_slice: Tuple[slice] = None,
template_slice: Tuple[slice] = None,
target_pad: NDArray = None,
template_pad: NDArray = None,
invert_target: bool = False,
) -> "MatchingData":
Subset class instance based on slices.
target_slice : tuple of slice, optional
Target subset to use, all by default.
template_slice : tuple of slice, optional
Template subset to use, all by default.
target_pad : NDArray, optional
Target padding, zero by default.
template_pad : NDArray, optional
Template padding, zero by default.
Newly allocated subset of class instance.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tme.matching_data import MatchingData
>>> target = np.random.rand(50,40,60)
>>> template = target[15:25, 10:20, 30:40]
>>> matching_data = MatchingData(target=target, template=template)
>>> subset = matching_data.subset_by_slice(
>>> target_slice=(slice(0, 10), slice(10,20), slice(15,35))
>>> )
if target_slice is None:
target_slice = self._shape_to_slice(self._target.shape)
if template_slice is None:
template_slice = self._shape_to_slice(self._template.shape)
if target_pad is None:
target_pad = np.zeros(len(self._target.shape), dtype=int)
if template_pad is None:
template_pad = np.zeros(len(self._template.shape), dtype=int)
target_mask, template_mask = None, None
target_subset = self.subset_array(
self._target, target_slice, target_pad, invert=self._invert_target
template_subset = self.subset_array(
arr=self._template, arr_slice=template_slice, padding=template_pad
if self._target_mask is not None:
target_mask = self.subset_array(
arr=self._target_mask, arr_slice=target_slice, padding=target_pad
if self._template_mask is not None:
template_mask = self.subset_array(
arr=self._template_mask, arr_slice=template_slice, padding=template_pad
ret = self.__class__(
# Deal with splitting offsets
target_offset = np.zeros(len(self._output_target_shape), dtype=int)
offset = target_offset.size - len(target_slice)
target_offset[offset:] = [x.start for x in target_slice]
template_offset = np.zeros(len(self._output_target_shape), dtype=int)
offset = template_offset.size - len(template_slice)
template_offset[offset:] = [x.start for x in template_slice]
ret._translation_offset = target_offset
if len(self._target.shape) == len(self._template.shape):
ret.indices = compute_full_convolution_index(
ret._is_padded = be.sum(be.to_backend_array(target_pad)) > 0
ret.target_filter = self.target_filter
ret.template_filter = self.template_filter
target_dims=getattr(self, "_target_dims", None),
template_dims=getattr(self, "_template_dims", None),
return ret
def to_backend(self) -> None:
Transfer and convert types of class instance's data arrays to the current backend
backend_arr = type(be.zeros((1), dtype=be._float_dtype))
for attr_name, attr_value in vars(self).items():
converted_array = None
if isinstance(attr_value, np.ndarray):
converted_array = be.to_backend_array(attr_value.copy())
elif isinstance(attr_value, backend_arr):
converted_array = be.to_backend_array(attr_value)
current_dtype = be.get_fundamental_dtype(converted_array)
target_dtype = be._fundamental_dtypes[current_dtype]
# Optional, but scores are float so we avoid casting and potential issues
if attr_name in ("_template", "_template_mask", "_target", "_target_mask"):
target_dtype = be._float_dtype
if target_dtype != current_dtype:
converted_array = be.astype(converted_array, target_dtype)
setattr(self, attr_name, converted_array)
def _set_matching_dimension(
self, target_dims: Tuple[int] = None, template_dims: Tuple[int] = None
) -> None:
Sets matching dimensions for target and template.
target_dims : tuple of ints, optional
Target batch dimensions, None by default.
template_dims : tuple of ints, optional
Template batch dimensions, None by default.
If the target and template share a batch dimension, the target will
take precendence and the template dimension will be shifted to the right.
If target and template have the same dimension, but target specifies batch
dimensions, the leftmost template dimensions are assumed to be a collapse
dimension that operates on a measurement dimension.
self._target_dims = target_dims
self._template_dims = template_dims
target_ndim = len(self._target.shape)
self._is_target_batch, target_dims = self._compute_batch_dimension(
batch_dims=target_dims, ndim=target_ndim
template_ndim = len(self._template.shape)
self._is_template_batch, template_dims = self._compute_batch_dimension(
batch_dims=template_dims, ndim=template_ndim
batch_dims = len(target_dims) + len(template_dims)
target_measurement_dims = target_ndim - len(target_dims)
collapse_dims = max(
template_ndim - len(template_dims) - target_measurement_dims, 0
matching_dims = target_measurement_dims + batch_dims
target_shape = np.full(shape=matching_dims, fill_value=1, dtype=int)
template_shape = np.full(shape=matching_dims, fill_value=1, dtype=int)
batch_mask = np.full(shape=matching_dims, fill_value=1, dtype=int)
target_index, template_index = 0, 0
for k in range(matching_dims):
target_dim = k - target_index
template_dim = k - template_index
if target_dim in target_dims:
target_shape[k] = self._target.shape[target_dim]
if target_index == len(template_dims) and collapse_dims > 0:
template_shape[k] = self._template.shape[template_dim]
collapse_dims -= 1
template_index += 1
if template_dim in template_dims:
template_shape[k] = self._template.shape[template_dim]
target_index += 1
batch_mask[k] = 0
if target_dim < target_ndim:
target_shape[k] = self._target.shape[target_dim]
if template_dim < template_ndim:
template_shape[k] = self._template.shape[template_dim]
self._output_target_shape = tuple(int(x) for x in target_shape)
self._output_template_shape = tuple(int(x) for x in template_shape)
self._batch_mask = tuple(int(x) for x in batch_mask)
def _compute_batch_dimension(
batch_dims: Tuple[int], ndim: int
) -> Tuple[ArrayLike, Tuple]:
Computes a mask for the batch dimensions and the validated batch dimensions.
batch_dims : tuple of ints
A tuple of integers representing the batch dimensions.
ndim : int
The number of dimensions of the array.
Tuple[ArrayLike, tuple of ints]
Mask and the corresponding batch dimensions.
If any dimension in batch_dims is not less than ndim.
mask = np.zeros(ndim, dtype=int)
if batch_dims is None:
return mask, ()
if isinstance(batch_dims, int):
batch_dims = (batch_dims,)
for dim in batch_dims:
if dim < ndim:
mask[dim] = 1
raise ValueError(f"Batch indices needs to be < {ndim}, got {dim}.")
return mask, batch_dims
def target_padding(self, pad_target: bool = False) -> Tuple[int]:
Computes padding for the target based on the template's shape.
pad_target : bool, default False
Whether to pad the target, default returns an array of zeros.
tuple of ints
Padding along each dimension of the target.
target_padding = np.zeros(len(self._output_target_shape), dtype=int)
if pad_target:
target_padding = np.subtract(
np.mod(self._output_template_shape, 2),
if hasattr(self, "_is_target_batch"):
target_padding = np.multiply(
np.subtract(1, self._is_target_batch),
return tuple(int(x) for x in target_padding)
def _fourier_padding(
target_shape: NDArray,
template_shape: NDArray,
batch_mask: NDArray = None,
pad_fourier: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[Tuple, Tuple, Tuple, Tuple]:
Determines an efficient shape for Fourier transforms considering zero-padding.
fourier_pad = template_shape
fourier_shift = np.zeros_like(template_shape)
if batch_mask is None:
batch_mask = np.zeros_like(template_shape)
batch_mask = np.asarray(batch_mask)
if not pad_fourier:
fourier_pad = np.ones(len(fourier_pad), dtype=int)
fourier_pad = np.multiply(fourier_pad, 1 - batch_mask)
fourier_pad = np.add(fourier_pad, batch_mask)
pad_shape = np.maximum(target_shape, template_shape)
ret = be.compute_convolution_shapes(pad_shape, fourier_pad)
conv_shape, fast_shape, fast_ft_shape = ret
template_mod = np.mod(template_shape, 2)
if not pad_fourier:
fourier_shift = 1 - np.divide(template_shape, 2).astype(int)
fourier_shift = np.subtract(fourier_shift, template_mod)
shape_diff = np.multiply(
np.subtract(target_shape, template_shape), 1 - batch_mask
shape_mask = shape_diff < 0
if np.sum(shape_mask):
shape_shift = np.divide(shape_diff, 2)
offset = np.mod(shape_diff, 2)
if pad_fourier:
offset = -np.subtract(
np.logical_and(np.mod(target_shape, 2) == 0, template_mod == 1),
"Template is larger than target and padding is turned off. Consider "
"swapping them or activate padding. Correcting the shift for now."
shape_shift = np.multiply(np.add(shape_shift, offset), shape_mask)
fourier_shift = np.subtract(fourier_shift, shape_shift).astype(int)
fourier_shift = tuple(fourier_shift.astype(int))
return tuple(conv_shape), tuple(fast_shape), tuple(fast_ft_shape), fourier_shift
def fourier_padding(
self, pad_fourier: bool = False
) -> Tuple[Tuple, Tuple, Tuple, Tuple]:
Computes efficient shape four Fourier transforms and potential associated shifts.
pad_fourier : bool, default False
If true, returns the shape of the full-convolution defined as sum of target
shape and template shape minus one, False by default.
Tuple[tuple of int, tuple of int, tuple of int, tuple of int]
Tuple with convolution, forward FT, inverse FT shape and corresponding shift.
return self._fourier_padding(
def rotations(self):
"""Return stored rotation matrices."""
return self._rotations
def rotations(self, rotations: NDArray):
Set :py:attr:`MatchingData.rotations`.
rotations : NDArray
Rotations matrices with shape (d, d) or (n, d, d).
if rotations is None:
print("No rotations provided, assuming identity for now.")
rotations = np.eye(len(self._target.shape))
if rotations.ndim not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError("Rotations have to be a rank 2 or 3 array.")
elif rotations.ndim == 2:
print("Reshaping rotations array to rank 3.")
rotations = rotations.reshape(1, *rotations.shape)
self._rotations = rotations.astype(np.float32)
def _get_data(attribute, output_shape: Tuple[int], reverse: bool = False):
if isinstance(attribute, Density):
attribute = attribute.data
if attribute is not None:
if reverse:
attribute = be.reverse(attribute)
attribute = attribute.reshape(tuple(int(x) for x in output_shape))
return attribute
def target(self):
Return the target.
Output data.
return self._get_data(self._target, self._output_target_shape, False)
def target_mask(self):
Return the target mask.
Output data.
target_mask = getattr(self, "_target_mask", None)
return self._get_data(target_mask, self._output_target_shape, False)
def template(self):
Return the reversed template.
Output data.
return self._get_data(self._template, self._output_template_shape, True)
def template_mask(self):
Return the reversed template mask.
Output data.
template_mask = getattr(self, "_template_mask", None)
return self._get_data(template_mask, self._output_template_shape, True)
def target(self, arr: NDArray):
Set :py:attr:`MatchingData.target`.
arr : NDArray
Array to set as the target.
self._target = arr
def template(self, arr: NDArray):
Set :py:attr:`MatchingData.template` and initializes
:py:attr:`MatchingData.template_mask` to an to an uninformative
mask filled with ones if not already defined.
arr : NDArray
Array to set as the template.
self._template = arr
if getattr(self, "_template_mask", None) is None:
self._template_mask = be.full(
shape=arr.shape, dtype=be._float_dtype, fill_value=1
def _set_mask(mask, shape: Tuple[int]):
if mask is not None:
if mask.shape != shape:
raise ValueError(
"Mask and respective data have to have the same shape."
return mask
def target_mask(self, arr: NDArray):
Set :py:attr:`MatchingData.target_mask`.
arr : NDArray
Array to set as the target_mask.
self._target_mask = self._set_mask(mask=arr, shape=self._target.shape)
def template_mask(self, arr: NDArray):
Set :py:attr:`MatchingData.template_mask`.
arr : NDArray
Array to set as the template_mask.
self._template_mask = self._set_mask(mask=arr, shape=self._template.shape)
def _set_filter(composable_filter) -> Optional[Compose]:
if isinstance(composable_filter, Compose):
return composable_filter
return None
def template_filter(self) -> Optional[Compose]:
Returns the composable template filter.
:py:class:`tme.preprocessing.Compose` | None
Composable template filter or None.
return getattr(self, "_template_filter", None)
def target_filter(self) -> Optional[Compose]:
Returns the composable target filter.
:py:class:`tme.preprocessing.Compose` | None
Composable filter or None.
return getattr(self, "_target_filter", None)
def template_filter(self, composable_filter: Compose):
self._template_filter = self._set_filter(composable_filter)
def target_filter(self, composable_filter: Compose):
self._target_filter = self._set_filter(composable_filter)
def _split_rotations_on_jobs(self, n_jobs: int) -> List[NDArray]:
Split the rotation matrices into parts based on the number of jobs.
n_jobs : int
Number of jobs for splitting.
list of NDArray
List of split rotation matrices.
nrot_per_job = self.rotations.shape[0] // n_jobs
rot_list = []
for n in range(n_jobs):
init_rot = n * nrot_per_job
end_rot = init_rot + nrot_per_job
if n == n_jobs - 1:
end_rot = None
return rot_list
def _free_data(self):
Free (dereference) data arrays owned by the class instance.
attrs = ("_target", "_template", "_template_mask", "_target_mask")
for attr in attrs:
setattr(self, attr, None)