""" Backend using numpy and pyFFTW for template matching.
Copyright (c) 2023 European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Author: Valentin Maurer <valentin.maurer@embl-hamburg.de>
import os
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List
from contextlib import contextmanager
from multiprocessing import shared_memory
from multiprocessing.managers import SharedMemoryManager
import numpy as np
from psutil import virtual_memory
from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter, affine_transform
from pyfftw import zeros_aligned, simd_alignment, FFTW, next_fast_len
from pyfftw.builders import rfftn as rfftn_builder, irfftn as irfftn_builder
from ..types import NDArray, BackendArray, shm_type
from .matching_backend import MatchingBackend, _create_metafunction
os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["PYFFTW_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
def create_ufuncs(obj):
ufuncs = [
for ufunc in ufuncs:
setattr(obj, ufunc, _create_metafunction(ufunc))
return obj
class _NumpyWrapper:
MatchingBackend prohibits using create_ufuncs on NumpyFFTWBackend directly.
class NumpyFFTWBackend(_NumpyWrapper, MatchingBackend):
A numpy and pyfftw-based matching backend.
def __init__(
self.affine_transform = affine_transform
def to_backend_array(self, arr: NDArray) -> NDArray:
if isinstance(arr, self._array_backend.ndarray):
return arr
return self._array_backend.asarray(arr)
def to_numpy_array(self, arr: NDArray) -> NDArray:
return np.array(arr)
def to_cpu_array(self, arr: NDArray) -> NDArray:
return arr
def get_fundamental_dtype(self, arr):
dt = arr.dtype
if self._array_backend.issubdtype(dt, self._array_backend.integer):
return int
elif self._array_backend.issubdtype(dt, self._array_backend.floating):
return float
elif self._array_backend.issubdtype(dt, self._array_backend.complexfloating):
return complex
return float
def free_cache(self):
def transpose(self, arr):
return arr.T
def tobytes(self, arr):
return arr.tobytes()
def size(self, arr):
return arr.size
def fill(self, arr: NDArray, value: float) -> NDArray:
return arr
def eps(self, dtype: type) -> NDArray:
return self._array_backend.finfo(dtype).eps
def datatype_bytes(self, dtype: type) -> NDArray:
temp = self._array_backend.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)
return temp.nbytes
def astype(arr, dtype):
return arr.astype(dtype)
def topk_indices(self, arr: NDArray, k: int):
temp = arr.reshape(-1)
indices = self._array_backend.argpartition(temp, -k)[-k:][:k]
sorted_indices = indices[self._array_backend.argsort(temp[indices])][::-1]
sorted_indices = self.unravel_index(indices=sorted_indices, shape=arr.shape)
return sorted_indices
def indices(self, *args, **kwargs) -> NDArray:
return self._array_backend.indices(*args, **kwargs)
def roll(self, a, shift, axis, **kwargs):
return self._array_backend.roll(
def unravel_index(self, indices, shape):
return self._array_backend.unravel_index(indices=indices, shape=shape)
def max_filter_coordinates(self, score_space, min_distance: Tuple[int]):
score_box = tuple(min_distance for _ in range(score_space.ndim))
max_filter = maximum_filter(score_space, size=score_box, mode="constant")
max_filter = max_filter == score_space
peaks = np.array(np.nonzero(max_filter)).T
return peaks
def zeros(shape: Tuple[int], dtype: type = None) -> NDArray:
arr = zeros_aligned(shape, dtype=dtype, n=simd_alignment)
return arr
def from_sharedarr(self, args) -> NDArray:
shm, shape, dtype = args
return self.ndarray(shape, dtype, shm.buf)
def to_sharedarr(
self, arr: NDArray, shared_memory_handler: type = None
) -> shm_type:
if isinstance(shared_memory_handler, SharedMemoryManager):
shm = shared_memory_handler.SharedMemory(size=arr.nbytes)
shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(create=True, size=arr.nbytes)
np_array = self.ndarray(arr.shape, dtype=arr.dtype, buffer=shm.buf)
np_array[:] = arr[:].copy()
return shm, arr.shape, arr.dtype
def topleft_pad(self, arr: NDArray, shape: Tuple[int], padval: int = 0) -> NDArray:
b = self.zeros(shape, arr.dtype)
self.add(b, padval, out=b)
aind = [slice(None, None)] * arr.ndim
bind = [slice(None, None)] * arr.ndim
for i in range(arr.ndim):
if arr.shape[i] > shape[i]:
aind[i] = slice(0, shape[i])
elif arr.shape[i] < shape[i]:
bind[i] = slice(0, arr.shape[i])
b[tuple(bind)] = arr[tuple(aind)]
return b
def build_fft(
fast_shape: Tuple[int],
fast_ft_shape: Tuple[int],
real_dtype: type,
complex_dtype: type,
fftargs: Dict = {},
inverse_fast_shape: Tuple[int] = None,
temp_real: NDArray = None,
temp_fft: NDArray = None,
) -> Tuple[FFTW, FFTW]:
if temp_real is None:
temp_real = self.zeros(fast_shape, real_dtype)
if temp_fft is None:
temp_fft = self.zeros(fast_ft_shape, complex_dtype)
if inverse_fast_shape is None:
inverse_fast_shape = fast_shape
default_values = {
"planner_effort": "FFTW_MEASURE",
"auto_align_input": False,
"auto_contiguous": False,
"avoid_copy": True,
"overwrite_input": True,
"threads": 1,
for key in default_values:
if key in fftargs:
fftargs[key] = default_values[key]
rfftn = rfftn_builder(temp_real, s=fast_shape, **fftargs)
overwrite_input = None
if "overwrite_input" in fftargs:
overwrite_input = fftargs.pop("overwrite_input")
irfftn = irfftn_builder(temp_fft, s=inverse_fast_shape, **fftargs)
if overwrite_input is not None:
fftargs["overwrite_input"] = overwrite_input
return rfftn, irfftn
def compute_convolution_shapes(
self, arr1_shape: Tuple[int], arr2_shape: Tuple[int]
) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int]]:
Computes regular, optimized and fourier convolution shape.
arr1_shape : tuple
Tuple of integers corresponding to array1 shape.
arr2_shape : tuple
Tuple of integers corresponding to array2 shape.
Tuple with regular convolution shape, convolution shape optimized for faster
fourier transform, shape of the forward fourier transform
(see :py:meth:`build_fft`).
convolution_shape = [int(x + y - 1) for x, y in zip(arr1_shape, arr2_shape)]
fast_shape = [next_fast_len(x) for x in convolution_shape]
fast_ft_shape = list(fast_shape[:-1]) + [fast_shape[-1] // 2 + 1]
return convolution_shape, fast_shape, fast_ft_shape
def _rigid_transform_matrix(
rotation_matrix: NDArray = None,
translation: NDArray = None,
center: NDArray = None,
) -> NDArray:
ndim = rotation_matrix.shape[0]
matrix = self.identity(ndim + 1, dtype=self._float_dtype)
if translation is not None:
translation_matrix = self.identity(ndim + 1, dtype=self._float_dtype)
translation_matrix[:ndim, ndim] = -translation
self.dot(matrix, translation_matrix, out=matrix)
if center is not None:
center_matrix = self.identity(ndim + 1, dtype=self._float_dtype)
center_matrix[:ndim, ndim] = center
self.dot(matrix, center_matrix, out=matrix)
if rotation_matrix is not None:
rmat = self.identity(ndim + 1, dtype=self._float_dtype)
rmat[:ndim, :ndim] = self._array_backend.linalg.inv(rotation_matrix)
self.dot(matrix, rmat, out=matrix)
if center is not None:
center_matrix[:ndim, ndim] = -center_matrix[:ndim, ndim]
self.dot(matrix, center_matrix, out=matrix)
matrix /= matrix[ndim, ndim]
return matrix
def _rigid_transform(
data: NDArray,
matrix: NDArray,
output: NDArray,
prefilter: bool,
order: int,
cache: bool = False,
) -> None:
out_slice = tuple(slice(0, stop) for stop in data.shape)
def center_of_mass(self, arr: BackendArray, cutoff: float = None) -> BackendArray:
Computes the center of mass of a numpy ndarray instance using all available
elements. For template matching it typically makes sense to only input
positive densities.
arr : BackendArray
Array to compute the center of mass of.
cutoff : float, optional
Densities less than or equal to cutoff are nullified for center
of mass computation. By default considers all values.
Center of mass with shape (arr.ndim).
cutoff = self.min(arr) - 1 if cutoff is None else cutoff
arr = self.where(arr > cutoff, arr, 0)
denominator = self.sum(arr)
grids = []
for i, x in enumerate(arr.shape):
baseline_dims = tuple(1 if i != t else x for t in range(len(arr.shape)))
self.reshape(self.arange(x, dtype=self._float_dtype), baseline_dims)
center_of_mass = [self.sum((arr * grid) / denominator) for grid in grids]
return self.to_backend_array(center_of_mass)
def get_available_memory(self) -> int:
return virtual_memory().available
def set_device(self, device_index: int):
yield None
def device_count(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of available GPU devices."""
return 1
def reverse(arr: NDArray) -> NDArray:
Reverse the order of elements in an array along all its axes.
arr : NDArray
Input array.
Reversed array.
return arr[(slice(None, None, -1),) * arr.ndim]
def max_score_over_rotations(
scores: BackendArray,
max_scores: BackendArray,
rotations: BackendArray,
rotation_index: int,
) -> None:
Update elements in ``max_scores`` and ``rotations`` where scores is larger than
max_scores with score and rotation_index, respectivelty.
.. warning:: ``max_scores`` and ``rotations`` are modified in-place.
scores : BackendArray
The score space to compare against max_scores.
max_scores : BackendArray
Maximum score observed for each element in an array.
rotations : BackendArray
Rotation used to achieve a given max_score.
rotation_index : int
The index representing the current rotation.
Tuple[BackendArray, BackendArray]
Updated ``max_scores`` and ``rotations``.
indices = scores > max_scores
max_scores[indices] = scores[indices]
rotations[indices] = rotation_index
return max_scores, rotations
def norm_scores(
arr: BackendArray,
exp_sq: BackendArray,
sq_exp: BackendArray,
n_obs: int,
eps: float,
out: BackendArray,
) -> BackendArray:
Normalizes ``arr`` by the standard deviation ensuring numerical stability.
arr : BackendArray
The input array to be normalized.
exp_sq : BackendArray
Non-normalized expectation square.
sq_exp : BackendArray
Non-normalized expectation.
n_obs : int
Number of observations for normalization.
eps : float
Numbers below this threshold will be ignored in division.
out : BackendArray
Output array to write the result to.
The normalized array with the same shape as `arr`.
See Also
# Squared expected value (E(X)^2)
sq_exp = self.divide(sq_exp, n_obs, out=sq_exp)
sq_exp = self.square(sq_exp, out=sq_exp)
# Expected squared value (E(X^2))
exp_sq = self.divide(exp_sq, n_obs, out=exp_sq)
# Variance
sq_exp = self.subtract(exp_sq, sq_exp, out=sq_exp)
sq_exp = self.maximum(sq_exp, 0.0, out=sq_exp)
sq_exp = self.sqrt(sq_exp, out=sq_exp)
# Assume that low stdev regions also have low scores
# See :py:meth:`tme.matching_exhaustive.flcSphericalMask_setup` for correct norm
sq_exp[sq_exp < eps] = 1
sq_exp = self.multiply(sq_exp, n_obs, out=sq_exp)
return self.divide(arr, sq_exp, out=out)